- 제목
- 2024-2 Kim, Dongjoon Scholarship for Foreign Students(extended to ~ 9.20)
- 작성일
- 2024.09.12
- 작성자
- 응용통계학과
- 게시글 내용
Kim, Dongjoon Scholarship for Foreign Students
1. Selection Criteria:
- Foreign Students in College of Commerce and Economics and
Yonsei School of Business
- Students with good GPA and high potential for future success
2. Number of Beneficiary: 2
3. Scholarship Amount: 3 million won / semester (living expense)
4. Documents to Submit
- Application Form (Attached)
- Statement of Purpose (Attached)
- Personal Information Collection and Usage Agreement (Attached)
- Transcript
5. Application Due : September 20, 2024 (Fri)
6. Note : We may request submission of original documents.
- Submission by email: Scan the original documents in one PDF
file, and submit to stat@yonsei.ac.kr
(file name: 2024-2 KimScholarship_your name.pdf)
- Submission by post mail: Scholarship Staff, Daewoo Hall 209, 50
Yonsei-Ro, Seodaemun-Gu, Seoul, Korea
7. Contact : stat@yonsei.ac.kr